Environmental Impact Series: Lawn Chemicals

Eliminating Harmful Chemicals- The Impact of Lawn and Outdoor Chemicals. 


Local matters. 

Most people realize this, which is why there are constantly pushes from various sources towards “eating local,” “buying locally sourced goods,” and “buying from local companies.”

But there are some other things that affect you locally as well- the toxins you, your family, and your neighborhood are exposed to.


Let’s think for a moment about every commercial you’ve seen talking about “if you or a loved one has mesothelioma from coming in contact with *insert pesticide, herbicide, household chemical, water treatment additive, fuel supply, etc.*, then call us now!” … You’ve probably seen a lot of those. Why? Why do these commercials keep popping up? 

Because these issues keep happening. 


We as humans constantly come in contact with chemicals we know ARE safe, and chemicals we ASSUME are safe. There is a difference. Many herbicides used to kill weeds (which by the way, the weeds would be there if it wasn’t for human intervention, the GRASS is the real “invasive” weed) cause health problems to humans, pets, and have further reach by getting into sewer systems and percolating down into the water table. 

The pesticides are often worse- Bees, butterflies, and many animals that thrive on these insects such as bats and birds are all affected. Yes your goal may be to kill the mosquitoes, but if your poison also kills the neighborhood bees, your garden wont produce fruit or vegetables. 


Truthfully, one of the main reasons humans in suburban areas use these chemicals is for aesthetics. People want pretty lawns, and they are willing to poison their environment to get it. 

If you want a lawn to look good and feel good so your children or pets can play on it, are you sure you want to use chemicals on it? Just because there hasn’t been a lawsuit with the particular brand of lawn chemicals you are using, doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future. 

From skin irritation, to more severe conditions like respiratory issues, messing around with lawn chemicals may not be in your best interest. 


On top of the dangers of health concerns, there is the environmental impact of repeated consumer usage and its downrange industrial effects- it takes emissions source materials, manufacture the chemicals, to ship the chemicals to your local store, to get yourself to the store, and then ultimately get yourself back home and eventually repeat the process.


This is where artificial turf comes into play.

While there are some emissions and chemicals involved with the production of the yarn, and the shipping of the material to you, these are not ongoing. Your turf is installed once, and that’s it. For 15+ years you don’t need to worry about chemicals, dangerous water runoff, pollutants, and you can focus your extra financial resources into things you enjoy. 


When a household makes the choice to install artificial turf, they don’t need to use herbicides, pesticides, and they are worry-free. Even the concerns over plastics, specifically PFAs that people have can be easily addressed- Turf releases less than the shoes that people wear and the bags that people use when shopping– don’t even get me started on waterproof clothing. 


Knowing that turf is safer than your shoes, and is worry free for decades to come, why wait on making the choice?


We can impact the environment, both locally and globally, by making choices. Here at LBK TURF GUYS, we suggest you help yourself and your local community by reducing your chemical usage, reducing your water usage, and creating a beautiful and long lasting environment- with TURF. 


Thank you for joining us today on Let’s Talk Turf, please come back for more and if you want to read more on how turf can impact you- check out the industry leaders at Synthetic Grass Warehouse! 

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